Red Boogie
Production House
Viba film
Karpo Godina
Igor Koršič, Branko Šömen
Ivo Ban, Boris Cavazza, Jožef Ropoša, Peter Mlakar, Marko Derganc, Zvonko Čoh, Zoran Predin
The story
After the war, during the socialist five-year plan, a radio station sends a group of young musicians to various locations - to the worksites of labor brigades, agricultural cooperatives, and construction sites. Their task is to boost morale among the people. While attempting to entertain crowds with their music, the young musicians find themselves in an unusual situation: they must undergo re-education to become conscious youths, as their jazz and boogie music genre is labeled as imperialistic. The group's leader is Maks, a seasoned heartbreaker whose future depends on the success of the tour. They embark on their journey in a rickety bus, and the tragicomic narrative reveals the dynamics between art, politics, and everyday life in post-war society.
The film has been digitally restored in 2024 by the Slovenian Cinematheque in collaboration with the Slovenian Film Archive and the Slovenian Film Center.
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